Yan Wang
Yan Wang
Han Kun Law Offices
Mr. Wang is the chairperson of the IP and Litigation Departments with over 100 practitioners. He focuses on contentious IP law practice in China.

Through the years, Mr. Wang has worked on a variety of disputes relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, standard-related IP disputes, and antitrust disputes. He has extensive experience providing practical legal and business advice to both domestic and international clients. Mr. Wang is highly regarded for his proven track record handling complex disputes, in particular cases involving PR/GR-related crisis management situations. His winning strategy repeatedly proves to be invaluable to numerous global Fortune 500 companies with cross-border disputes. Whenever his clients face seemingly losing cases in China, Mr. Wang’s practical solutions can always reverse the trend with his well-thought strategy.

Mr. Wang holds a doctoral degree from Columbia Law School and a master degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Yale University.